1. View the service menu and select the service that you wish to book.
2. SMS/Whatsapp Yvonne at 90910168, stating the service that you wish to book, and your preferred date and time for the appointment.
3. After we have confirmed that your preferred date and time is available, please make a $30 deposit to POSB Savings 114-16268-0 and send us the transaction details eg ibanking nickname, date and time of transfer, photo of ATM receipt, etc.
4. We will then verify that the deposit has been made and confirm your appointment by sending you the full address of the salon.
Thank you!
Terms and cononditions
Deposit system - As we are a home salon
operating by appointment only and do not have a Terms and walk-in crowd, we
suffer a loss in potential income whenever there are last-minute changes such
as lateness, rescheduling, cancellations, or no-shows. Therefore, we have
implemented a deposit system such that deposits
are required in order to confirm appointments and are non-refundable unless
notice is given at least 48 hours in advance so that there is
sufficient time for us to schedule other customers in. We accept deposits only via DBS/POSB transfers and are unable to
accept interbank transfers.
Eyelash extension touch up policy – We provide eyelash touch up/refill at an
additional charge of $30-$40,, depending on the number of lashes required, as long as at least 50% of the lash
extensions are left.
Punctuality – We set aside 2 hours for each
appointment. If there are customers scheduled one after another, and a customer
is late, it will not be fair to eat into the next customer’s slot. Thus, if a customer is late for more than 30
minutes, and has booked single-strand extensions, it will have to be downgraded
to cluster extensions. If the
customer is late for more than 1 hour, the appointment will be automatically
cancelled and the deposit forfeited as there would not be enough time even
for cluster extensions. Please be punctual so that we can do our best to
deliver the ideal results that you desire.